policy brief

Going Nowhere Fast: Why Personal Travel is Down Across the U.S.

Publication Date

April 1, 2023


Samuel Speroni, Brian D. Taylor, Mark Garrett


After a century of almost continuous growth in vehicle travel in the U.S., the first decades of the 21st century saw vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per capita fall slightly, from 9,963 in 2003 to 9,937 in 2019. While some of the decline can be attributed to the Great Recession of 2007-2010, VMT did not fully rebound following the economic recovery. A much slower recovery from the recession among young people, more stringent driver’s licensing rules, rising preferences for dense urban living, high gas prices, an aging population, rising environmentalism, and the near saturation of vehicle ownership1 have all been proffered as possible explanations, but these don’t tell the whole story. In a new study, researchers at Clemson University and the UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies suggest we may be seeing a fundamental change in the demand for out-of-home activities that drive vehicle travel. Using data from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS) collected between 2003 and 2019, the authors propose that the fundamental cause of declining per capita travel time is an underlying reduction in the demand for out-of-home activities, driven in part by spectacular advancements in information and communications technology

research report

Telecommuting and the Open Future

Publication Date

January 6, 2024


Alex Okashita, Harold Arzate, Jae Hong Kim


The COVID-19 pandemic has generated renewed interest in how telecommuting can alter the workings of cities and regions, but there is little guidance on how to align planning practice with the new reality. This report synthesizes the research on telecommuting and its consequences to help planners better understand what effects may occur from the proliferation of telecommuting and what lessons can be drawn from research findings. Emphasis is on the broad relevance of telecommuting to many domains of planning, including housing, land use, community development, and inclusive place-making, while attention is paid to changes in travel demand, vehicle miles traveled (VMT), and greenhouse gas emissions. The research suggests that telecommuting can occur in a variety of ways, and its impacts are largely dependent not only on the type/schedule of telecommuting but also on the built environment, transit accessibility, and other amenities/opportunities the location provides. The varying impacts reported in the research can be seen as an encouragement for planners to actively create a better future rather than merely responding to the rise of telecommuting. Given the breadth of telecommuting’s impacts, systematic coordination across various planning domains will be increasingly important. This report also calls for collaboration across cities to guide the ongoing transformation induced by telecommuting not in a way that leads to more residential segregation but in a way that provides more sustainable and inclusive communities.

policy brief

3 PM Is the New 5 PM: Post-Pandemic Travel Patterns in Southern California Are Shifting


In the spring of 2020, daily travel collapsed as public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic kept most people at home. Streets were suddenly and eerily empty in cities around the world. Since then, rates of driving, biking, and walking have largely rebounded, roughly returning to pre-pandemic levels. However, public transit use, particularly in the U.S., has been slow to recover and remains mostly well below pre-pandemic levels.The effects of pandemic-influenced changes in activity and travel are not always intuitive. Working from home may reduce the number of commute trips (especially on public transit), but may induce longer commutes when they do occur. Working from home may also free up time for running errands and chauffeuring children. Similarly, online shopping may reduce trips to the store, but it also generates more commercial delivery trips.While previous research has examined pandemic-induced changes in how much and by which modes people travel, when travel occurs has garnered far less attention. Yet the many longer-term changes in personal and commercial activities coming out of the pandemic — such as remote work, online shopping, and video streaming — likely influence the timing of travel. Changes in travel timing also deserve further study because travel peaking — by time of day and day of week — strongly influences traffic congestion, vehicle emissions, and public transit demand

policy brief

Impacts of Freeway Siting on Stockton’s Asian American Community


Stockton, California, underwent spatial restructuring in the decades following World War II. State and local government contributed and responded to these changes by implementing connected freeway and urban renewal programs. Xenophobia and racism placed Asian American communities in their path.A major economic hub for California’s agricultural sector, Stockton and the surrounding region had a racially and ethnically diverse population in the mid-1900s, with people of color restricted to the lowest rungs of society. Asian Americans played a major role in the city’s development but were socially, economically, and politically marginalized. Since the mid-1800s and into the 1970s, Asian Americans were targets of multiple forms of discrimination, some shared by other people of color and others unique to Asians, including xenophobic immigration restrictions, prohibitions against owning land, and mass internment.Residential segregation limited their housing options, forcing many to settle in and around downtown. Despite facing racism and having limited resources, Asian Americans were able to form vibrant albeit low-income ethnic enclaves: Chinatown, Japantown, and Little Manila.Government actions initiated, facilitated, and responded to a postwar restructuring of the urban landscape through suburbanization and the abandonment of the central business district. A dramatic expansion of the freeway system made way for urban sprawl. At the same time, Stockton responded to the commercial decline of its downtown by pursuing urban renewal. These coordinated, massive infrastructure programs were linked through a common agenda of “slum clearance” that sought removal of entire neighborhoods. Tragically, the Asian enclaves lay along the path of destruction of both.

policy brief

Access to Child Care: Does it Vary by Neighborhood Type?

Publication Date

October 1, 2023


Evelyn Blumenberg, Madeline Wander, Zhiyuan Yao


Finding safe and high-quality child care is critical for working parents, especially single mothers and low-wage workers of color. Despite rising demand for such care, research suggests that formal child care in the United States is in dangerously short supply — a situation that worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. While past studies have shown that the supply of formal care across neighborhoods varies by race/ethnicity and income, they often overlook the importance of geography and neighborhood type. In this study, we use California data to test whether — all else equal — child care access (i.e., child care capacity relative to the number of children under 5 in an area) is lower in outlying suburban neighborhoods with newer and less developed social infrastructure than urban neighborhoods. Notably, while the need for child care has increased in suburbs across California, funding and support from local governments has not. This study seeks to better understand and quantify geographic gaps in service, providing key recommendations for future funding allocations and government actions.

research report

Lessons Learned from Abroad: Potential Influence of California High-Speed Rail on Economic Development, Land Use Patterns, and Future Growth of Cities


This study discusses the potential economic and development impacts that high-speed rail (HSR) may bring to California. The research reviews the reported impacts of HSR implementation in various countries, particularly in Europe, and case studies of selected HSR station cities in France, Spain, and Italy. The analysis suggests that HSR could bring economic development to the state and stimulate population growth but might eventually lead to gentrification in certain locations. Not all station cities experience the same impacts, and certain conditions may foster greater economic development. Station location and connectivity to downtown areas would be particularly important in influencing these impacts, while peripheral stations would be less able to attract land use development and relocation of activities. The availability of rail service to larger cities (and connections to other major markets) and the coordination with urban planning and policy are key to determining the development of areas around HSR stations. The study indicates that for HSR to bring about desired economic development, the planning and design of stations and services must be integrated with the vision and urban plans of each station city.

research report

Measuring Changes in Air Quality from Reduced Travel in Response to COVID-19


The lack of a strong reduction in ambient ozone (O3) concentrations during reduced traffic periods associated with COVID-19 calls into question the conventional wisdom that mobile sources dominate air pollution in California. Fossil-fueled motor vehicles emit oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are precursors to O3 formation, but the chemical reaction system that forms O3 is complex. The ratio of NOx/VOCs determines if the O3 formation regime is NOx-limited (reducing NOx reduces O3) or NOx-rich (reducing NOx increases O3). This project developed new methods to directly measure O3 chemistry in the atmosphere and applied them over long-term campaigns in multiple California cities to quantify traffic contributions to O3 formation. A seasonal cycle was observed of NOx-rich O3 chemistry during cooler months trending toward NOx-limited chemistry in warmer months. Superimposed on this seasonal cycle was a spatial pattern of NOx-rich chemistry in dense urban cores and NOx-limited chemistry in areas downwind of urban cores. Chemistry-based models with source tagging were also developed to better understand these trends. Seasonal changes to biogenic VOC and gasoline evaporative VOC emissions likely explain the seasonal changes in O3 formation chemistry. Reduced traffic emissions in March 2020 did not reduce O3 concentrations because the chemistry was heavily NOx-rich during the spring season. Extended model predictions suggest that similar traffic reductions could have reduced ambient O3 concentrations in small and intermediate cities if they had occurred in the summer months. Traffic reductions alone would not be sufficient to reduce O3 concentrations in the urban cores of larger cities. Reduced emissions from transportation sources can improve air quality in California, but transportation sources no longer exclusively dominate O3 formation. Future emissions controls should be coordinated across multiple sectors (including transportation) to achieve their objectives.

research report

Assessing the Functionality of Transit and Shared Mobility Systems after Earthquakes


Located within the seismically active Pacific Ring of Fire, California’s transportation infrastructure, especially in the Bay Area, is susceptible to earthquakes. A review of current research and stakeholder interviews revealed a growing awareness of emergency preparedness among local jurisdictions and transit agencies in recent years. However, many have yet to formalize and publish their recovery plans. This study introduces an agent-based multimodal transportation simulation tool to enhance post-earthquake transportation resilience. Integrating a road network simulator with a metro system simulator, the tool employs an optimized Dijkstra-based algorithm to calculate optimal routes, travel times, and fares. A case study is conducted for the East Bay, using the simulator to gauge the impact of a compromised Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system. The results suggested that original Bay Area Rapid Transit system passengers could face either longer commute times or higher costs during the recovery phase of a major earthquake without appropriate policies. Such outcomes could disproportionately burden low-income riders, affecting their mobility and overall travel time.

policy brief

Are our Transit Systems Ready for Earthquakes?


Located on the tectonic boundary with multiple active faults, the San Francisco Bay Area is highly vulnerable to earthquakes. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has estimated a 72% probability of an earthquakewith a magnitude of 6.7 or greater striking the region within the next 30 years. Historical seismic events have demonstrated the profound impact earthquakes can have on transportation systems. During the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake, the closure of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, a critical transit route for San Francisco commuters, left nearly 400,000 commutersand approximately 245,000 vehicles daily with limitedalternative routes.


California Electric Vehicle Loads by Feeder Circuit

Publication Date

October 30, 2023