research report

Assessing and Addressing the Mobility Needs of an Aging Population

Publication Date

April 1, 2019


David Ragland, Grace Felschundneff, Kara MacLeod, Sarah Doggett, Tracy McMillan


The mobility needs of an aging population is one of the most substantial challenges facing California in the coming decades. The number of residents aged 65 and older is expected to double between 2012 and 2050, and the number aged 85 and above is expected to increase by over 70% between 2010 and 2030. Declines in physical function related to age may reduce mobility options dramatically. A survey of 510 residents aged 55 and older in Contra Costa County was conducted to determine mobility patterns and limitations related to age and other factors. Results of the survey indicate that a majority of seniors are car-dependent. However, some older adults miss important activities due to mobility limitations associated with increasing age, poorer health, living alone, not having a licensed driver in the household, and having a disability. Mobility options are also limited in some geographic areas and demographic groups. Importantly, older adults want to “age in place.” Based on these findings and those in related studies, the travel options and the quality of life for older adults, now and in the future, can be greatly enhanced if efforts are made to develop mobility solutions beyond the use of private vehicles. The findings support the recommendations of recent regional plans such as the Coordinated Public Transit–Human Services Transportation Plan (2018), adopted by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) of the San Francisco Bay Area, which recommends supporting a range of mobility options centered around shared mobility and accessibility for populations at risk for limited mobility.

research report

Regional Industrial Land Preservation: Perspectives from San Francisco Bay Area Cities on a Priority Production Area Program


This report lays the groundwork for the Metropolitan Transportation Commission – Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG-MTC) as they develop a Priority Production Area (PPA) program. The PPA program will include locally designated industrial zones and seek to identify resources for these areas while recognizing the need to balance land uses and that creating housing across the Bay Area is of primary importance. This study initiated outreach and engagement with local jurisdictions and experts to gain a better understanding of how local jurisdictions define their industrial space, how well current zoning works for their industrial land users, and the degree to which a PPA designation could help with business operations, retention or shaping the area’s future development. This report synthesizes input received as part of this engagement. Given that the PPA program is an action item of Plan Bay Area that integrates transportation and land use management into its long-range plan in an effort to meet greenhouse gas reduction targets, addressing the transportation needs associated with industrial lands could be a central component of the PPA program. Therefore, this report also explores both goods movement and worker accessibility challenges mentioned by city staff and experts and recommends how this PPA program could address these issues. Going forward, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission – Association of Bay Area Governments will need to prioritize the suggestions and ideas generated through this initial outreach process and determine which challenges and needs can feasibly be addressed with the PPA program.

policy brief

Creating a Regional Program for Preserving Industrial Land: Perspectives from San Francisco Bay Area Cities


Industrial land plays a vital role in supporting the regional economy in the San Francisco Bay Area. It provides the operating space and support services for export sectors and other important local clusters, maintains linkages between businesses and sustains a local supply chain, provides diverse employment opportunities for people with a broad range of skills (including those with lower educational attainment), and supports a high share of middle-wage job opportunities. However, the Bay Area’s current inventory of industrial land (and associated jobs) is at risk due to increasing pressure from housing and mixed-use construction1. In addition, the region’s state-mandated Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) for the nine-county area (Plan Bay Area) does little to address the needs of businesses that are not located in retail or office space. In response, the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Executive Board unanimously recommended that ABAG staff develop a Priority Production Area (PPA) program for industrial areas. The PPA program, if adopted, will include locally designated zones where production, distribution, and repair (PDR) services would receive priority in determining future land use, and would be a designation that cities can voluntarily adopt. ABAG-MTC anticipates completing a final draft of the PPA program no later than the end of 2019 for incorporation into Plan Bay Area 2050.

policy brief

Considerations for Mitigating Vehicle Miles Traveled under SB 743


Pursuant to Senate Bill 743 (Steinberg, 2013), which reformed the process for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of transportation impacts to align with greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals, the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research identified vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as the key metric to measure transportation impacts of new developments under CEQA.
As a result, project developers will now have to reduce VMT to mitigate significant transportation impacts. While methods for reducing VMT impacts are well understood, implementing VMT reduction measures thatare directly linked or near to individual developments may be difficult in some situations. As a result, broader and more flexible approaches to VMT mitigation may be necessary, such as VMT mitigation “banks” or “exchanges.” In a mitigation bank, developers would commit funds instead of undertaking specific on-site mitigation projects, and then a local or regional authority could aggregate funds and deploy them to top-priority projects throughout the jurisdiction. Similarly, in amitigation exchange, developers would be permitted to select from a list of pre-approved mitigation projects throughout the jurisdiction (or propose their own), without needing to mitigate their transportation impacts on-site.
To understand how VMT banks or exchanges could be implemented in California, researchers from UC Berkeley assessed the structural and legal considerations of VMT banks and exchanges to determine which approach and scope would be most appropriate for each implementing jurisdiction (i.e., city, county, region, state). Key research findings are presented in this brief

research report

Transportation Plans: Their Informational Content and Use Patterns in Southern California

Publication Date

November 1, 2018


Jae Hong Kim, Tanjeeb Ahmed, Victor Paitimusa


While a large amount of effort has been devoted to making and updating local transportation plans, little is known about the informational contents of these plans and their use patterns.  This project attempted to identify key informational contents of Californian cities’ transportation plans and to investigate how various stakeholders can use the plan contents through (i) a plan content analysis of a sample of general plans (recently adopted by eight municipalities in Orange County, California) and (ii) a plan use survey and follow-up analysis of survey responses. All plans that were analyzed were found to convey a variety of information about their visions, goals, policies, and implementation strategies, but the plan content analysis revealed substantial variation in the way cities composed their general plans and integrated them with other plans/players. Compared to land use elements, circulation elements tended to focus more on their connections with other agencies (external consistency) than on internal consistency. The plan use survey yielded a low response rate which may indicate limited use of plans in the field. However, a majority of the survey responses were positive about the usefulness and usability of general plans. In particular, the survey participants reported that they found the plans comprehensive, visionary, and well-organized, while relatively lower scores were obtained for two evaluation criteria: ‘[the plan] clearly explains what actions will be taken and when’ and ‘[the plan] is relevant to my everyday life and/or work’. Furthermore, some respondents reported that they used general plans not for their professional duties but for other (non-conventional) purposes, suggesting that plan contents could be used for a variety of decision-making processes.

research report

Implementing SB 743: An Analysis of Vehicle Miles Traveled Banking and Exchange Frameworks


Pursuant to Senate Bill 743 (Steinberg, 2013), which reformed the process for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of transportation impacts to align with greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals, the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research identified vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as the key metric to measure transportation impacts of new developments under CEQA. As a result, project developers will now have to reduce vehicle miles traveled to mitigate significant transportation impacts. In response, state and local policymakers are considering the creation of mitigation “banks” or “exchanges.” This report assesses the structural and legal considerations that could determine which model (i.e., banks or exchanges) and scope are appropriate for each implementing jurisdiction (i.e., city, county, regional, state). This report also analyzes a number of existing programs that provide additional models for implementation.

policy brief

Public-Private Partnerships Show Promise for Shifting Export of California Produce from Truck to Rail

Publication Date

September 1, 2018


Josh Seeherman, Jae Esther Jung, Juan Caicedo, Mark Hansen


California is one of the largest producers of perishable produce in the world; producing about 25 million tons of fruits and vegetables each year. This sector supports a large transportation industry that handles the exports of these goods. Starting from the 1950’s, the export of produce has gradually shifted modes from rail to trucks. Currently, only 3% of California’s produce is being exported by rail. However, this share has begun to increase due to efforts in private industry to monetize this space, with total rail tonnage exceeding one million for the first time in decades starting in 2012. See Figure 1. Much of this increase is due to the modest success of companies in the San Joaquin Valley aggregating crop exports onto rail unit trains. While utilizing trucking may be cheaper for growers, shippers, and buyers, it has generated a number of negative externalities, including impacts to the environment, public health and public roads (e.g., pavement damage). Encouraging a shift from transporting produce by trucks to rail could help reduce these negative externalities.

research report

Encouraging Mode Shift from Truck to Rail for California Produce

Publication Date

September 1, 2018


Jae Esther Jung, Josh Seeherman, Juan Caicedo, Mark Hansen


California is one of the largest producers of perishable produce in the world. This sector supports a large transportation industry that handles the exports of these goods. Starting from the 1950s, the export of produce has gradually shifted modes from rail to truck. This project builds on the initial work from the “Rail and the California Economy” project by examining the potential of shifting the movement of perishable produce in California from truck to rail. The final report provides a review of the state of the California rail system in terms of perishable produce transport and where there have been recent increases in rail modal share; analyzes and discusses the societal costs of trucking; outlines how PPPs (public-private-partnerships) relate to rail and provides examples of rail PPP in California such as the highly successful Colton Crossing project; and proposes a location in Monterey County where government support through a PPP could result in lasting beneficial changes. In summary, although rail is currently a very small player in the transport of California perishable produce exports, increasing its modal share would be beneficial to the citizens of the state by reducing the number of negative externalities. Public entities should consider different ways, such as PPP, to encourage this growth. In areas where the private sector has already invested significant money, some modal shifts for certain crops have already occurred.

research report

The Impacts of Infill Rail Transit Stations: Implications for the Shinn Station Proposal


Infill rail transit stations are being implemented to improve access to transit as well as to encourage and support urban development and revitalization efforts.  The stations are relatively low-cost because they use existing tracks and equipment, but costs vary substantially depending on the complexity of the station design and its surroundings. Travel time savings can accrue to passengers using the infill station, but the added stop will increase time for some riders and may necessitate changes in equipment, schedule, or both.  Ridership at the infill station depends on the size of the area made more accessible as well as the amount of new development and intensified activity that occurs in its vicinity.  Findings from the literature and US examples are used together with a preliminary site assessment and interviews to identify the issues that would be raised by a proposed infill station linking multiple services in the San Francisco East Bay.   The concluding section summarizes factors that should be considered in evaluating the impacts of proposed infill stations and discusses the broader implications for regional planning.