policy brief

Meeting SB 1 Transportation Systems Performance Goals


The Road Repair and Accountability Act (SB 1) invests $5.4 billion annually over the next decade to help fix and repair California’s transportation system. As part of the SB 1 package, the Solutions for Congested Corridors Program was created and will receive $250 million annually to support multimodal corridor plans that make performance improvements along the state’s most congested highways. This funding will be crucial in maintaining and enhancing the State’s Transportation Management Systems (TMS). The State’s TMS, sometimes called Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), represents a broad class of technology assets on the state highway system, including field elements (e.g., ramp meters, traffic loops, electronic highway message signs), fiber and wireless communication systems, and central management systems (e.g., computer servers running software). To monitor progress and to assure accountability, SB 1 established a TMS performance outcome of “not less than 90 percent of the transportation management system units in good condition”, which Caltrans must meet by 2027.