policy brief

3 PM Is the New 5 PM: Post-Pandemic Travel Patterns in Southern California Are Shifting

Publication Date

October 1, 2023


Brian D. Taylor, Samuel Speroni, Fariba Siddiq, Julene Paul, Yu Hong Hwang

Areas of Expertise

Public Transit, Shared Mobility, & Active Transportation Travel Behavior, Land Use, & the Built Environment


In the spring of 2020, daily travel collapsed as public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic kept most people at home. Streets were suddenly and eerily empty in cities around the world. Since then, rates of driving, biking, and walking have largely rebounded, roughly returning to pre-pandemic levels. However, public transit use, particularly in the U.S., has been slow to recover and remains mostly well below pre-pandemic levels.The effects of pandemic-influenced changes in activity and travel are not always intuitive. Working from home may reduce the number of commute trips (especially on public transit), but may induce longer commutes when they do occur. Working from home may also free up time for running errands and chauffeuring children. Similarly, online shopping may reduce trips to the store, but it also generates more commercial delivery trips.While previous research has examined pandemic-induced changes in how much and by which modes people travel, when travel occurs has garnered far less attention. Yet the many longer-term changes in personal and commercial activities coming out of the pandemic — such as remote work, online shopping, and video streaming — likely influence the timing of travel. Changes in travel timing also deserve further study because travel peaking — by time of day and day of week — strongly influences traffic congestion, vehicle emissions, and public transit demand