research report

Homelessness on the Road: Reviewing Challenges of and Responses to Homelessness in State Transportation Environments


In recent decades, homelessness has become an increasingly major challenge in the U.S. Of the half million unhoused people in the U.S., many seek shelter in settings under the auspices of state departments of transportation (DOTs), such as freeways, underpasses, and rest areas. DOTs are responsible for the health and safety of these settings and of their occupants, housed and unhoused. This study synthesizes existing literature and findings from interviews with staff from 13 state DOTs and eight service providers and organizations responding to homelessness. Homelessness represents a recognized and common challenge for DOTs, but the numbers and locations of unhoused individuals in state transportation settings vary and fluctuate. As DOTs face jurisdictional, financial, and legal hurdles in responding, DOT staff employ both “push” and “pull” strategies, the most common of which is encampment removals. However, the effectiveness of such removals is limited. Other strategies include “defensive design” and, more proactively, establishing or partnering with low-barrier shelters, providing shelters and sanitation on DOT land, and coordinating rehousing and outreach efforts. The findings suggest that DOTs should acquire better data on homelessness on their lands, create a homelessness coordinating office, establish formal partnerships with nonprofits/service providers, and evaluate the necessity of encampment removals, through the development and utilization of prioritization criteria. DOTs should coordinate with other bodies as they work towards broader housing solutions.

policy brief

Fare-free? Reduced fares? What research tells us about strategies for pricing public transit

policy brief

Homelessness in State Transportation Environments


Homelessness has become an increasingly major challenge in the U.S. in recent decades. Of the half million unhoused people in the U.S., many seek shelter in settings under the auspices of state departments of transportation (DOTs), including freeway rights-of-way, under- and overpasses, rest areas, parking lots, maintenance facilities, and DOT-managed urban streets and sidewalks. State DOTs must adapt and implement measures from policy realms outside of transportation to address homelessness. Some are already doing so. Their response is critical for the welfare of unhoused denizens but also for ensuring a safe, operational road network.Most DOTs report frequent encampments on their land and encounter operational and legal challenges as a result. On public transit, a comparable transportation setting, those taking shelter tend to be more likely to be chronically unhoused and disadvantaged along other axes than their unhoused peers elsewhere. Freeway environments may offer certain advantages for those seeking shelter, but proximity of encampments and debris to traffic and infrastructure is dangerous to drivers, neighbors, and the unhoused individuals themselves.To investigate the challenges and strategies state DOTs have with regards to homelessness, we reviewed the websites of every state DOT, conducted interviews or received responses from staff at 13 DOTs that are responding to homelessness and/or particularly face it, and interviewed staff at eight relevant nonprofits, service providers, and external stakeholder organizations and partners involved in issues of homelessness.

published journal article

Vehicle Design Strategies to Reduce the Risk of COVID-19 Transmission in Shared and Pooled Travel: Inventory, Typology, and Considerations for Research and Implementation


The global COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to a plethora of ideas for modifying and redesigning public transportation and shared mobility vehicles to protect workers and riders from contracting the disease while traveling. This research seeks to inventory these strategies, and to organize and distill them in a way that enables researchers, policymakers, and public transport and mobility service operators to more systematically and efficiently evaluate them. Through literature search and analysis, the COVID-19 risk-mitigating vehicle design (CRVD) typology was developed, articulating 12 categories of strategies (e.g., Seating Configuration, Barriers) and 12 mechanisms (e.g., physical distancing, physical separation) by which the strategies may reduce COVID-19 spread. A secondary contribution of this research is to gather opinions of experts in fields related to COVID-19 and its transmission, about the identified CRVD strategies and mitigation mechanisms. The typology and expert opinions serve as a launching point for further innovation and research to evaluate the effectiveness of CRVD strategies and their relationship to user preferences and travel behavior, within and beyond the current context. Public transport and shared mobility service operators can use the CRVD typology as a reference, in conjunction with industry guidance and emerging research on strategy effectiveness, to aid decision-making in their continued response to the pandemic as well as for future planning.

research report

Considering Fare-Free Transit in The Context of Research on Transit Service and Pricing: A Research Synthesis


In this report, the research team examines both the substantial research literature on transit pricing and use and the literature on free and reduced-fare (FAR) programs. In general, we find that free and reduced-fare programs can take many forms, and the idea of “fare-free” transit is far from a one-size-fits-all proposition. Second, while reducing or eliminating fares does indeed increase ridership, all else equal, transit research has consistently found that riders tend to be more service-elastic than fare-elastic. In other words, they tend to respond more to service improvements than price reductions, which means that, at the margin, money “spent” on fare-free programs (in the form of foregone revenues) may attract fewer riders than if that money were put toward improving service. Third, the social equity dimensions of fare-free transit are many, ranging from considering the share of fare-free benefits that flow to higher-income riders to the potential racial equity benefits of reduced fare enforcement policing on transit.

published journal article

Health and equity impacts from electrifying drayage trucks


Diesel heavy-duty drayage trucks (HDDTs) serving the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach in Southern California are large contributors to regional air pollution, but cost remains an obstacle to replacing them with zero-emission HDDTs. To quantify the health and equity impacts of operating diesel HDDTs, we built a microscopic simulation model of a regional freeway network and quantified their emissions of PM2.5 (particulate matter with a diameter < 2.5 μm) and CO2 in 2012 and 2035, before estimating their contribution to selected health outcomes. We found that 483 premature deaths ($5.59 billion) and 15,468 asthma attacks could be attributed to HDDTs in 2012. Regulations and technological advances could shrink these impacts to 106 premature deaths ($1.31 billion) and 2,142 asthma attacks in 2035 (over 2/3 accruing to disadvantaged communities) despite population growth and a 145 % jump in drayage traffic, but they still justify replacing diesel HDDTs with zero-emission HDDTs by 2035.

book/book chapter

Understanding and Modeling the Impacts of COVID-19 on Freight Trucking Activity


Restrictions on travel and in-person commercial activities in many countries (e.g., the United States, China, European countries, etc.) due to the global outbreak and rapid spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have severely impacted the global supply chain and subsequently affected freight transportation and logistics. This chapter summarizes the findings from the analysis of truck axle and weight data from existing highway detector infrastructure to investigate the impacts of COVID-19 on freight trucking activity. Three aspects of COVID-19 truck impacts were explored: drayage, long and short-haul movements, and payload characteristics. This analysis revealed disparate impacts of this pandemic on freight trucking activity because of local and foreign policies, supply chain bottlenecks, and dynamic changes in consumer behavior. Due to the ongoing effects of COVID-19, it is not yet possible to distinguish between transient and long-term impacts on freight trucking activity. Nonetheless, a future expansion of the study area and the incorporation of other complementary data sources may provide further insights into the pandemic’s impacts on freight movement.

policy brief

Connected and Automated Vehicle Impacts in Southern California: Travel Behavior, Demand, and Transportation System Perspectives


Connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies received extensive attention in the recent decade. CAVs are vehicles that can drive without a human driver (automated vehicle, or AV) and can communicate with other vehicles and infrastructures (connected vehicle, or CV). The technologies can benefit transportation systems in many aspects, including safety, economics, efficiency and convenience, and accessibility. While studies of CAV operations are accelerated by tons of data collected from on-road tests worldwide, the comprehensive impacts of CAVs on transportation systems are still unclear. These benefits might affect travel behavior fundamentally, which might induce more travel demand, while on the other hand, vehicle automation and connection would enhance roadway capacity. Ultimately, it’s essential to evaluate the CAV impacts on transportation systems in the context of significantly changing travel demand and supply. This study aims to answer the following questions: 1) how the deployment of CAVs impacts people’s travel behaviors in Southern California; 2) to what extent the changes in people’s travel behavior can affect the travel demand; 3) how well can the increased roadway capacity help alleviate the strain on the network with CAV deployment; and 4) will the CAV technologies contribute to the travel accessibility of underserved groups?

published journal article

Grocery shopping in California and COVID-19: Transportation, environmental justice, and policy implications


To understand how COVID-19 changed grocery shopping and explore implications for transportation and environmental justice, we surveyed in May 2021 California members of KnowledgePanel®, the largest and oldest U.S. probability-based panel. We asked how frequently Californians grocery shopped before and during the pandemic, and how they may grocery shop afterward in-store, online with home delivery (“e-grocery”), or online with store/curbside pick-up (“click-and-pick”). We found that most Californians continued to grocery shop in-person during the pandemic, although less frequently than before. Many relied more on e-grocery (+8.9 %) and click-and-pick (+13.3 %), although older generations remained attached to in-store shopping. African American households grocery shopped in-store less than Whites pre-pandemic; post-pandemic, they may compensate with more e-grocery and click-and-pick. While higher levels of environmental injustice (based on CalEnviroScreen) were associated with less in-store shopping, we found no association with e-grocery or click-and-pick. Our results have implications for travel, food logistics, and parking management.