Project Summary
This research will develop freight activity metrics to measure the impacts of COVID-19 on goods movement. The initial focus will be on intermodal freight drayage to and from the ports. Existing standalone data sources do not provide a complete view of freight activity. The effort will involve analyzing multiple distinct but complementary data sources, such as truck axle classification and weights from Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) sites, body classification from the Truck Activity Monitoring System(TAMS) sites, trajectories from truck GPS and traffic volumes and congestion from PeMS with the goal of understanding changes in truck activity such as link volumes, routing patterns and payloads of intermodal freight.
We will initially acquire WIM data from Caltrans from sites near the ports and the SoCal region to assess spatial and seasonal truck activity activity trends. Since standalone WIM data cannot distinguish drayage trucks from other heavy duty truck activity, additional TAMS sites will also be deployed at major corridors on the truck network in coordination with Caltrans.
UCI is currently investigating the effects of a planned clean trucks incentive program on the I-710, where drayage truck GPS data is expected to be purchased from GeoStamp as a part of the study to analyze touring patterns of drayage trucks. Further integration of GeoStamp with WIM and TAMS data can provide further insights on CoVid-19 impacts on the efficiency of drayage operations and touring patterns, both in the spatial and temporal domain.