Project Summary
Cities have implemented bike share systems as a strategy for expanding mobility options, increasing physical activity, and improving the sustainability of the transportation system. These systems have attracted substantial ridership, but the impact on overall levels of bicycling and other modes of travel have not been well documented, and evidence for in-equitable systems is widespread. Two recent technological advancements in shared mobility—electric assisted bikes and scooters, and dock-less parking—may help improve equity and expand the user base of traditional bike share systems. However, little is known about dock-less and e-bike share’s influence on travel behavior. The goal of this study is to examine the travel behavior and attitudes of users and non-users of Sacramento Area Council of Governments’ (SACOG) new dock-less electric-bike share system. This study includes the “after” phase of an already completed “before” portion of the “before-and-after” study of residents in the greater Sacramento area. By re-surveying residents (many of whom are not bike share users), this project will be able to measure how the bike share system influenced general travel behavior and attitudes. In addition, this project will survey bike share users twice over the course of a year. Survey questions will ask about travel behavior before the e-bike share (through retrospective questions), during early use of e-bike share, and late use of e-bike share.