Pricing Mechanisms to Achieve California’s Climate Goals


In Progress

Project Timeline

September 5, 2024 - September 4, 2025

Principal Investigator

Project Team

Egon Terplan, Jiaqi Ma, David Brownstone, Craig Rindt, Yifang Zhu, Qiao Yu, Mollie Cohen D'Agostino, Brain He

Areas of Expertise

Transportation Economics, Funding, & Finance


UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCLA

Project Summary

This project will assist Caltrans in developing a comprehensive and evidence-based Carbon Reduction Strategy (CRS) that identifies projects and strategies to reduce transportation emissions. Caltrans is dedicating its current federal Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) funding to road pricing projects on the State Highway System that commit to funding low carbon transportation options with toll revenues. ITS scholars will provide research assistance in understanding how road pricing in general, and priced managed lanes in particular, could reduce transportation emissions in California. The research will identify and summarize different road pricing strategies; how priced managed lanes have been implemented and performed within California, the United States, and globally to address transportation, climate change, and equity issues; provide specific case studies on existing priced managed lanes within California; provide a methodology for prioritizing future projects for investment; and provide a methodology to evaluate future projects’ impact on California’s greenhouse gas emissions. The research will seek to determine how priced managed lanes could simultaneously address Caltrans’ broader transportation, climate, and equity goals as defined in the Caltrans Strategic Plan 2020-2024; and be the focus of successfully implementing equitable roadway pricing statewide.