
Lessons Learned from Abroad: Potential Influence of California High-Speed Rail on Economic Development, Land Use Patterns, and Future Growth of Cities

policy brief

The Opportunity Cost of Parking Requirements: Would Silicon Valley Be Richer if its Parking Requirements were Lower?

published journal article

Clean air in cities: impact of the layout of buildings in urban areas on pedestrian exposure to ultrafine particles from traffic


Traffic-related pollutant concentrations are typically much higher in near-roadway microenvironments, and pedestrian and resident exposures to air pollutants can be substantially increased by the short periods of time spent on and near roadways. The design of the built environment plays a critical role in the dispersion of pollutants at street level; after normalizing for traffic, differences of a factor of ~5 have been observed between urban neighborhoods with different built environment characteristics. We examined the effects of different built environment designs on the concentrations of street-level ultrafine particles (UFP) at the scale of several blocks using the Quick Urban and Industrial Complex (QUIC) numerical modeling system. The model was capable of reasonably reproducing the complex ensemble mean 3D air flow patterns and pollutant concentrations in urban areas at fine spatial scale. We evaluated the effects of several built environment designs, changing building heights and spacing while holding total built environment volumes constant. We found that ground-level open space reduces street-level pollutant concentrations. Holding volume/surface area constant, tall buildings clustered together with larger open spaces between buildings resulted in substantially lower pollutant concentrations than buildings in rows. Buildings arranged on a ‘checkerboard’ grid with smaller contiguous open spaces, a configuration with some open space on one of the sides of the roadway at all locations, resulted in the lowest average concentrations for almost all wind directions. Rows usually prohibit mixing for perpendicular and oblique wind directions, even when there are large spaces between them, and clustered buildings have some areas where buildings border both sides of the roadways, inhibiting mixing. The model results suggest that pollutant concentrations drop off rapidly with height in the first 10 m or so above the roadways. In addition, the simulated vertical concentration profiles show a moderately elevated peak at the roof levels of the shorter buildings within the area. Model limitations and suggestions for urban design are both discussed.

policy brief

Connected Eco-Driving Technology Can Help Improve Traffic Flow While Reducing Truck Emissions


California has experienced faster growth in freight volume than freight-related infrastructure, leading to travel delays as well as traffic congestion and air pollution. Onestrategy to improve the efficiency of freight movement while also reducing environmental impacts is to encourage “connected eco-driving.” This could be accomplished by utilizing innovative connected vehicle technology to provide truck drivers real time traffic signal phase and timing information that could be used to determine the best driving speed for passing smoothly through multiple intersections without stopping. The technology has been in research and development for over a decade. While initially developed for passenger cars the connected eco-driving technology has also been applied to other types of vehicles, including Class 8 diesel trucks.

research report

Evaluation of Benefits and Costs of Truck Connected Eco-Driving Program on Urban Freight Corridors


This research estimates the costs and benefits of implementing connected eco-driving technology for freight trucks on signalized freight corridors as a strategy to mitigate the impacts of truck traffic. The costs associated with enabling the technology include capital investment for infrastructure upgrades such as upgrading traffic controllers and installing communication modems. The costs also include operating costs for wireless data plans and computing servers. Over a period of 20 years, the total cost for one intersection is estimated to be $18,200. The benefits of the technology include reductions in energy consumption and emissions from a connected truck traveling on connected corridors. Under cold start conditions, the technology could help reduce overall fuel consumption by 20%, and emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter by 22%, 20%, and 15%, respectively. Under hot running conditions, the technology could help reduce overall fuel consumption by 10% and emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter by 10%, 0%, and 41%, respectively. Based on these estimates, connected eco-driving technology can play an important role in addressing greenhouse gas emissions from freight trucks, as well as mitigating the air quality and health impacts associated with truck emissions in communities that are heavily impacted by truck traffic.

research report

Strategies to Preserve Transit-accessible Affordable Housing in Southern California

Publication Date

August 1, 2023


Karen Chapple, Madeleine Parker, Yuju Park


This report highlights risk and prioritization factors for housing developments with expiring affordability protections, focused on preserving transit-accessible affordable housing. It presents a regional framework for identifying and preserving subsidized affordable housing in the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) region (Los Angeles, Imperial, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura counties). First, the research team analyzes data from the California Housing Partnership (CHPC) and the National Housing Preservation Database (NHPD) to understand risk factors for expiring housing units and design a prioritization tool for entities in the region to use when prioritizing developments to focus on preservation and anti-displacement efforts. Second, the team highlights affordable housing preservation policy solutions and characteristics unique to the Southern California context. Third, the research paper draws on the strategies and experiences of other jurisdictions in the United States with experience strategizing around affordable housing preservation efforts to present key lessons and takeaways.