How Well Do New K-12 Public School Sites in California Incorporate Mitigation Measures Known to Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled?



Project Timeline

July 1, 2018 - August 31, 2020

Principal Investigator

Project Team

Sandra Mukasa, Jamie Albrecht

Areas of Expertise

Travel Behavior, Land Use, & the Built Environment


UC Berkeley

Project Summary

A public school’s location has sizable impacts on transportation patterns and vehicle miles travelled (VMT). While California has made major policy strides to reduce VMT and greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation and support safe walking/biking (e.g., AB 32, SB 32, SB 375, AB 1358, AB 734, and SB 1), public school facility planning and siting are largely unconnected from these efforts. Despite the 2015 draft Governor’s Environmental Goals and Policy Report stating, “As the State prioritizes efficient, infill development, K-12 schools will be integrated into planning,” no reforms have yet been implemented. As California implements bold policies to reduce VMT—and at the same time the state and local school districts invest billions of dollars in public school facility infrastructure each year—it is imperative to align these efforts so state and local infrastructure dollars are working on shared purposes. This project aims to inform California state agencies on state policy reforms to link VMT and school siting outcomes as well as develop guidance and tools for local governments on joint planning.

The Impacts of Upzoning on Housing Production and Communities in California



Project Timeline

July 1, 2018 - June 15, 2019

Principal Investigator

Project Team

Carol Galante, Elizabeth Kneebone, Jared Nolan, Simon Hochberg, David Garcia, Anna Cash

Areas of Expertise

Travel Behavior, Land Use, & the Built Environment


UC Berkeley

Project Summary

Since the passage of Senate Bill 375, the State of California has mandated the coordination of land use and transportation planning in an effort to promote infill development and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, housing production continues to fall far short of need, with the state struggling to concentrate new housing developments near transit lines. In addition, neighborhoods located near transit tend to be lower-income, raising concerns about displacement and the potential impacts of new development on housing affordability. This project will analyze the characteristics of neighborhoods surrounding transit station areas (both rail and bus) in the State of California. Using data on the demographic characteristics of affected communities, the real estate characteristics of local properties, and local housing ordinances, the research team will estimate how much development is feasible and at what price point, how many affordable units might be produced via local requirements, and how many renter households may be vulnerable to displacement. This research project is unique in that it will consider the potential for real estate development (i.e., production) in tandem with the concerns of residents (i.e., protection and preservation)—too often, work in this area focuses only on one perspective or the other. The research team will also hold two workshops, one in Southern California and the other in Northern California, with stakeholders representing different sides of the debate. The workshops will be designed to solicit feedback on the analysis, and to generate a discussion about policy approaches that can balance production and protection concerns.

Answers from the Margins: Participatory Planning with Disadvantaged Communities



Project Timeline

October 1, 2018 - December 15, 2019

Principal Investigator

Areas of Expertise

Travel Behavior, Land Use, & the Built Environment


UC Davis

Project Summary

Public engagement in transportation planning processes can sometimes be hard to conduct in a meaningful way, particularly when engaging with disadvantaged communities. The reasons for this are numerous: meeting times conflict with work or caretaking responsibilities, lack of advertisement, weak connection with local community, difficulties in transportation, lack of resources within planning agency, and other logistical and resource related challenges. Additional barriers to equitable transportation may include the structure of planning processes, as well as the historical structural inequalities in the distribution of transportation resources.This project will assess current practices for engaging disadvantaged communities in participatory planning processes for transportation projects in California. The goal will be to identify specific practices, projects, or processes that were particularly successful in engaging disadvantaged communities. Materials from transportation projects and agencies will be collected and analyzed in regard to the planning processes, the level of engagement achieved, and the resulting outcomes. Interviews will be conducted with transportation professionals who took part in these processes. The project will begin by connecting with professionals with a stated investment in disadvantaged communities through their participation in active conversations on transportation equity and mobility justice. Organizations such as Untokening Collective, a multiracial collective that centers the lived experiences of marginalized communities to address mobility justice, will participate in the analysis. Patterns and themes in the participatory planning processes will be analyzed, as will their efficacy through both qualitative and quantitative measures. A final report will share patterns and themes that highlight promising trends in engaging in meaningful participatory planning with disadvantaged communities.

Policy Brief: Electric Assisted Bikes (e-bikes) Show Promise in Getting People Out of Cars



Project Timeline

Principal Investigator

Areas of Expertise

Travel Behavior, Land Use, & the Built Environment


UC Davis

Project Summary

This project reviewed and summarized existing studies on the effects e-bicycling has on car travel, characteristics of e-bike incentive programs, and opportunities for increasing e-bicycling in California. The project found evidence from a variety of research studies indicating that e-bicycling, more so than conventional bicycling, substitutes for car travel. For example, several studies document approximately 35-50% of e-bike trips would have been made by car if an e-bike had been unavailable. In addition, e-bike incentive programs are rare in the U.S. but widespread in Europe with many lessons to offer California. For example, a California e-bicycling incentive program could be implemented in many forms such as a rebate to the buyer or a subsidy to e-bike dealers. Evaluating participants’ vehicle miles traveled reductions will be challenging but can be done with before-and-after travel surveys including data from passive GPS recording and odometer readings. The incentive amount in Europe (20-33% of purchase price) may be a good starting point for California; however, incentive caps may need to be different from those in Europe given the recent rise in e-bike retail prices. Also, e-bikes have numerous co-benefits (e.g., improving access to jobs and increasing physical activity) and should be considered in any cost-benefit analysis of an e-bike incentive program.

Travel Behavior Changes Among Users of Partially Automated Vehicles



Project Timeline

October 1, 2018 - December 31, 2019

Principal Investigator

Areas of Expertise

Intelligent Transportation Systems, Emerging Technologies, & Big Data Travel Behavior, Land Use, & the Built Environment


UC Davis

Project Summary

Current research on vehicle automation is primarily focused on fully automated vehicles, however partially-automated vehicles are already available on the market. These vehicles change the utility of driving (e.g., reduced driver fatigue, increased ability to multitask) and in turn have the potential to change travel patterns and increases vehicle miles travelled (VMT). These changes may have negative consequences for road networks and the environment. This project is one of the first to investigate the impact partially-automated vehicles are having on travel behavior. Researchers at UC Davis conducted in-depth interviews with 36 Tesla owners who have and use the Autopilot feature. Results from the interviews show that partial automation leads to consumers travelling by car more and that they are more willing to drive in congested traffic. These changes are due to increased comfort, reduced stress, and increased relaxation due to the partial automation system, and due to the lower running costs of a battery electric vehicle.

Investigating the Influence of Dockless Electric Bike-share on Travel Behavior, Attitudes, Health, and Equity



Project Timeline

October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019

Principal Investigator

Areas of Expertise

Travel Behavior, Land Use, & the Built Environment


UC Davis

Project Summary

Cities have implemented bike share systems as a strategy for expanding mobility options, increasing physical activity, and improving the sustainability of the transportation system. These systems have attracted substantial ridership, but the impact on overall levels of bicycling and other modes of travel have not been well documented, and evidence for in-equitable systems is widespread. Two recent technological advancements in shared mobility—electric assisted bikes and scooters, and dock-less parking—may help improve equity and expand the user base of traditional bike share systems. However, little is known about dock-less and e-bike share’s influence on travel behavior. The goal of this study is to examine the travel behavior and attitudes of users and non-users of Sacramento Area Council of Governments’ (SACOG) new dock-less electric-bike share system. This study includes the “after” phase of an already completed “before” portion of the “before-and-after” study of residents in the greater Sacramento area. By re-surveying residents (many of whom are not bike share users), this project will be able to measure how the bike share system influenced general travel behavior and attitudes. In addition, this project will survey bike share users twice over the course of a year. Survey questions will ask about travel behavior before the e-bike share (through retrospective questions), during early use of e-bike share, and late use of e-bike share.

Moving Metro Toward Transit Oriented Communities



Project Timeline

September 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018

Principal Investigator

Martin Wachs

Project Team

Cameron Olson, Kay Sasaki, Nathan Serafin, Shayne Smith, Sarah Stockham, Warren Wells, Jaimee Lederman

Areas of Expertise

Public Transit, Shared Mobility, & Active Transportation Travel Behavior, Land Use, & the Built Environment



Project Summary

Investment in public transportation systems bring the potential for temporary and permanent neighborhood disruption, including displacement, gentrification, and changes in community character. This research seeks to develop a set of policy recommendations for Los Angeles Metro, which is increasingly involved in land use planning in station areas. First, the team will analyze Metro’s potential involvement and influence in the land market around stations, both on the property it owns and on property it does not own. The areas of analysis include: 1) alternative ownership structures such as Community Land Trusts and limited equity corporations, and 2) the incentives and planning tools Metro can utilize to further the goals of Metro Transit-Oriented Community (TOC) at the station area level. Second, the team will evaluate land use policies, plans, and funding mechanisms that have relevance to Metro’s network of TOCs within a subset of the 29 cities that Metro’s rail and high-capacity bus network serves. The findings of this task provide guidance for Metro and its stakeholders on how to navigate the complex network of policies, including land use regulations and statewide mandates, that affect TOC development. In Phase 1 of the project, the team examines state, regional, and city-level policies in preparation for the applied case studies in Phase 2, when a set of corridor and station-specific recommendations will be developed. The third task develops a typology that describes the different types of Metro rail and bus rapid transit (BRT) station areas in Los Angeles County based on existing use, access, and urban form on a continuum between low-density, outlying stations and high-density, central stations. The task also identifies station areas with high potential to transition along that continuum from less transit-supportive to more transit-supportive. Finally, the team will explore how Metro might improve upon existing practices of corridor planning by considering its connection with TOC planning policies.

Gaining Wait? Analyzing the Congestion Impacts of Road Diets in Los Angeles



Project Timeline

September 1, 2017

Principal Investigator

Dylan Jouliot

Areas of Expertise

Infrastructure Delivery, Operations, & Resilience Travel Behavior, Land Use, & the Built Environment



Project Summary

While numerous studies have shown road diets can greatly reduce the number and severity of collisions, especially for pedestrians and cyclists, the public response to many of the changes implemented in Los Angeles has been quite negative. Angry residents and commuters have organized protests of the roadway changes, initiated campaigns to recall city councilmembers who have supported the changes and even successfully lobbied to have road diets undone and converted back to their previous state. This negative response has largely centered on claims of large increases in congestion and travel times along the streets where the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) has removed lanes. The Active Transportation and Special Programs (ATSP) team of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Southern California region, has a strong interest in improving traffic safety in the region, and seeks research to determine if these proven safety improvement measures cause the delays and increases in congestion that opponents claim. To examine this issue the graduate student researcher surveyed existing literature on road diets and their congestion impacts, analyzed before and after LADOT daily traffic volume data for a number of street segments where the city installed road diets and nearby parallel segments where no change was made, and observed current conditions of ten intersections within the selected street segments to assess potential ongoing delay and congestion in the study corridors. The analysis finds an overall increase in traffic volumes on the selected road diet corridors of 8 percent, while volumes decreased very slightly on nearby parallel corridors. While the limitations of using daily traffic volume data to estimate congestion mean that these results do not disprove the possibility of increased congestion after road diet installations, the fact that more vehicles passed through road diet corridors without corresponding increases in volumes on nearby streets suggests that drivers did not divert to nearby streets as might be expected with increases in congestion and delay. Field observations of representative intersections for each of the four road diet corridors and their respective control corridors suggest that current lane configurations have not negatively affected peak-hour traffic flow or level of service on either the road diet or control corridor.

Travel Behavior Impacts of Transportation Demand Management Policies: May is Bike Month in Sacramento, California



Project Timeline

July 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019

Principal Investigator

Project Team

Jai Malik, Farzad Alemi

Areas of Expertise

Public Transit, Shared Mobility, & Active Transportation Travel Behavior, Land Use, & the Built Environment


UC Davis

Project Summary

Active modes of transportation like bicycling and walking are extremely beneficial to society. Encouraging more people to bike and walk helps reduce the amount of travel people may make by car (i.e., vehicle miles travelled) and in turn helps to reduce congestion and transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants. Bicycling and walking also have direct and positive health impacts. A number of steps have been taken to promote active transportation in cities and regions, including awareness campaigns, transportation demand management (TDM) policies, building new bicycling infrastructure, and the launch of bikesharing programs. However, it is often unclear how much impact a specific strategy can have on actual rates of bicycling and walking in a community or region. UC Davis is assisting the Sacramento Council of Governments (SACOG) in evaluating the impact of the agency’s ‘May is Bike Month’ campaign. The purpose of the campaign is to motivate residents working and/or living in the region to start using (or increase use of) bicycles as a mode of transportation. SACOG conducted a survey as part of the 2018 “May is Bike Month” campaign, which collected self-reported information from participants on the frequency of bicycling before and after the campaign, perceived barriers to bicycling, motivations for bicycling, travel habits, household and individual sociodemographic, place of residence of the participants. UC Davis is analyzing the survey data to gain a better understanding of the role land use characteristics and transit accessibility have on bicycling rates. This information will be used to understand the variables that affect individuals’ decisions to increase, decrease or not change the level of bicycling during and after the end of the ‘May is Bike Month’ campaign. This project helps SACOG identify the groups which are most and least receptive to the campaign, and ways these groups of individuals have reacted (in terms of changing their bicycling behavior) in response to the campaign. SACOG can use this information to make strategic changes to its annual “May is Bike Month” campaign in order to optimize the campaign’s effectiveness in future years, and/or coordinate the campaign with additional initiatives to promote bicycling in the Sacramento region.

Develop plan to measure performance of broader TDM program (SACOG TDM match)



Project Timeline

July 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019

Principal Investigator

Mollie Cohen D'Agostino

Areas of Expertise

Travel Behavior, Land Use, & the Built Environment


UC Davis

Project Summary

[No abstract found on website]