Investigating Transportation and Housing Linkages for the State of California



Project Timeline

July 1, 2019 - December 31, 2020

Principal Investigator


UC Berkeley

Project Summary

This project will, in coordination with the State of California’s Housing and Transportation Coordination Workgroup (HTCW), address the following research questions. First, what research-based evidence exists about the linkages between transportation and housing to help inform policy making at the state and local levels? Second, what policies and programs have regional transportation agencies, other states, and other countries implemented to influence local jurisdictions to entitle housing units in ways that best leverage transportation infrastructure and lead to efficient, equitable, and environmentally sustainable travel patterns? Third, given the answers to these questions, how best can housing development and permitting decisions in California be influenced to produce better transportation outcomes; and conversely, how can decisions about transportation investment and service provision be influenced to produce better housing and travel outcomes? Researchers will carry out a comprehensive literature review, a review of policies and plans, and an interview- and/or survey-based exploration of best practices inside and outside California to address the first two questions, and in so doing, provide information to inform the third. Work will focus particularly on equity issues in transportation and housing, including housing affordability, gentrification and displacement, and the travel patterns of lower income households. The project will be conducted in coordination with the HTCW with the intention to advance the understanding of how the existing state level regulatory framework to promote transportation-housing linkages could be improved.

Synergies of Combining Demand- and Supply-Side Measures to Manage Congested Streets



Project Timeline

July 1, 2019 - December 31, 2020

Principal Investigator

Project Summary

Congestion pricing has been used in cities to limit flows into congested neighborhoods. Pricing does not necessarily reorganize how flows are served, however. Since organizational inefficiencies tend to arise naturally in congested traffic, combatting this type of congestion by means of pricing alone may require high tolls. This can be quite regressive. Complementary strategies to reorganize flows could help reduce the tolls required to alleviate congestion. The challenge lies in choosing organizing strategies that both diminish workload on a network by diminishing vehicle miles traveled (VMT); and enhance network productivity by reducing vehicle hours traveled (VHT). The research will explore the optimal banning of vehicular left‐turn maneuvers at certain signalized intersections in a city as a traffic reorganization strategy. The prohibitions would be imposed only on those intersections that reside inside select zones within the larger city, and only at select times of day. Preliminary research indicates that imposing left‐turn restrictions in this strategic manner can alone reduce a city’s VMT and VHT by substantial amounts; and be far more effective than banning left turns over an entire city in wholesale fashion. Guidelines will be crafted to assist decision‐makers in restricting left turns in their own cities.

Who Has Access to E-Commerce During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Sacramento Region? Implications for Future E-Commerce and Shopping Tripmaking



Project Timeline

July 1, 2019 - December 31, 2020

Principal Investigator

Project Summary

In the last decade, retail online shopping or e-commerce has increased remarkably. Such a precipitous change in global consumer habits can have a dramatic effect on the way cities operate, particularly with respect to the demand for goods delivery or on-demand services. As e-commerce has matured, consumers have begun demanding faster delivery speeds. Globally, private companies in the parcel, grocery, and hot food delivery sectors have developed last-mile supply chain innovations (e.g., mobile inventory/warehousing, pickup lockers, neighbor-to- neighbor delivery, etc.) to meet this new and growing demand. Little is known about the impacts of such on-demand service models on city functions such as: traffic curb management, congestion, and traffic-related emissions. These innovations have diversified the delivery fleet beyond commercial vehicles, blurring the lines between private and commercial vehicles. Information regarding these fleets is particularly hard to come by due to lack of data collection standards or mandates at the local, regional, or state level. Additionally, there is little reliable understanding of consumer motivations regarding online purchasing and delivery speeds, yielding a situation in which planners neither understand the supply nor the demand. This research project is intended to help cities better understand the factors influencing the dramatic increase in on-demand deliveries on city streets and the demand-management strategies that cities might apply to mitigate congestion and emission impacts. Researchers will: (1) evaluate a variety of options for monitoring and managing curbside on-demand delivery in congested cities through literature review, data inventory, and expert interviews; (2) develop policy strategies for managing consumer demand (that will be modeled as part of this study) drawing from the literature review and expert interviews; (3) document insights into how consumers approach online shopping based upon demographics, urban context, and other variables through a multi-city revealed-/stated-preference consumer survey; and (4) test policy proposals for managing demand through a consumer choice model developed based upon the results of the survey and expert interviews.

Evaluation of Benefits and Costs of a Connected Eco-Driving Program for Trucks



Project Timeline

September 1, 2019 - December 31, 2021

Principal Investigator

Kanok Boriboonsomsin

Project Team

Dylan Brown, Peng Hao, George Scora

Project Summary

One operational strategy to improve the efficiency of freight movement while also reducing environmental and health impacts is to provide advanced traveler information to truck drivers. Research shows that using real-time traffic information to determine and provide driving speed recommendation to truck drivers can help reduce fuel consumption and truck emissions. On signalized corridors, traffic signal status is a critical piece of real-time traffic information that can enable innovative applications such as connected eco-driving where drivers are provided with driving speed recommendation that will allow them to pass through signalized intersections in an efficient manner. All traffic signals are owned and operated by public agencies. Therefore, public agencies who manage the state’s roadway infrastructure would benefit from a better understanding of the costs and benefits associated with providing traffic signal status information to the traveling public.This project will evaluate the costs and benefits of implementing a connected eco-driving program for trucks on urban freight corridors. The cost items will include capital investment in infrastructure upgrades such as upgrading traffic controller to enable exporting of traffic signal phase and timing (SPaT) data, installing communication line or device to send SPaT data to a central server, and setting up the central server. The cost items will also include operating costs such as wireless data plan and maintenance of the central server. The research team will use their experience in working with various vendors and agency partners to instrument traffic signals in the City of Carson and in setting up the Traffic Signal Information System server in an ongoing project to gather and determine cost information. This project will also conduct real-world emissions evaluation of a connected eco-driving application for trucks using an innovative approach that couples traffic microsimulation with chassis dynamometer testing. The results from the emissions evaluation with be compiled along with travel time and fuel saving results from other studies to present a complete picture of the benefits of a connected eco-driving program for trucks.

Where Ridehail Drivers Go Between Trips: Trading off Congestion and Curb Availability?



Project Timeline

September 1, 2019 - May 1, 2021

Principal Investigator

Project Summary

Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) have the potential to improve mobility and reduce parking demand. However, recent research has highlighted the additional vehicle travel and congestion generated by TNCs. The behavior of TNC drivers when out of service (i.e. between paid trips) has received little attention. Out-of-service TNC trips, however, generate vehicle travel through repositioning and cruising when in motion, and occupy curb and parking spaces. While cruising for parking and cruising by taxis have been extensively researched, there is little data to assess the extent of cruising by TNCs. This project will provide one of the first analyses of the impacts of out-of-service TNC trips on vehicle miles traveled and congestion. Investigators will use the City of San Francisco as a case study; focusing on how drivers’ choices affect congestion, vehicle miles traveled, and curb space availability. The project will apportion out-of-service TNC travel in San Francisco into these three categories, using a sample of millions of GPS traces of out-of-service TNCs. Many GPS traces will encompass more than one of these categories, but the working assumption is that each trace can be divided into segments that are characteristic of a single behavior. For example, a driver might reposition and then cruise. The second part of the project examines the factors that predict driver behavior. For example, how does the driver choice between repositioning, cruising and parking vary by driver hours worked, times of day, neighborhood demographics, urban form, and curb space regulation?

A Quantitative Investigation into the Impact of Partially Automated Vehicles on Vehicle Miles Travelled in California



Project Timeline

October 1, 2019 - December 31, 2020

Principal Investigator

Project Team

Project Summary

Current research on vehicle automation is primarily focused on fully autonomous vehicles, however semi-autonomous vehicles are already available on the market. These vehicles will have an impact on drivers’ travel patterns due to changes in the utility of driving (e.g. reduced driver fatigue, increased ability to multitask). These vehicles have the potential to change travel patterns and could lead to increases in vehicle miles travelled (VMT). This may have negative consequences for road networks and the environment. This project will be the first to investigate what impact these vehicles are already having on travel behavior. In depth interviews with owners of semi-autonomous vehicles will be conducted to gain a better understanding of how and if these vehicles are resulting in more VMT. The interviews will explore any changes to driver’s travel patterns including their willingness to drive, and willingness to drive longer distances. The interviews will focus on driver’s commute distances and will explore whether having a semi-autonomous or autonomous vehicle has or would lead to drivers being willing to travel longer commute distances (e.g., by moving home location or work location).

How Dock-less Electric Bike Share Influences Travel Behavior, Attitudes, Health, and Equity: Phase II



Project Timeline

October 1, 2019 - September 30, 2020

Principal Investigator

Project Summary

The recent emergence of dock-less electric bike (e-bike) and scooter (e-scooter) shares have a growing number of California cities exploring the use of bike/scooter share systems to improve environmental, social, and health outcomes of the transportation system. Increasing bike/scooter share usage is likely to improve users’ physical activity and reduce their vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and related greenhouse emissions. However, these benefits fall under the assumption that users is replacing a car trip with a bike / scooter trip. If the major mode shift comes from public transit, owned bike, or walking, then the expected benefits of bike / scooter share may be more limited. Many existing studies of bike share systems focus on system dynamics, but less is known about how bike/scooter share influences individual level travel behavior, including substituting for car travel. Considering VMT reduction is a statewide goal for meeting greenhouse gas emissions targets, understanding how bike/scooter share can reduce car travel is important. Additionally, understanding how planning and regulation of bike/scooter share systems influences car substitution rates can help cities craft local plans and regulations to maximize VMT reductions from their bike/scooter shares. One of the largest dock-less e-bike shares in the United States opened last summer across Sacramento, West Sacramento, and Davis. The current study of users of this system and nearby residents focuses on measuring the effect of the e-bike (and now e-scooter) share on other travel modes (specifically car travel), attitudes, and public health, along with measuring the equity of the system. This project continues the current project with the addition of further survey data collection and summary of individual level behavior, attitudes, and health. The researchers will add two strategic goals to the second year of the project. First, researchers will build statistical models from the survey data to predict existing system-wide travel mode shift to better estimate system-wide vehicle miles reduced by the system. Second, they propose to model JUMP demand and examine regulation/ planning scenarios (e.g. service area boundaries and vehicle caps).

The​ ​Opportunity​ ​Cost​ ​of​ ​Parking Requirements:​ The Case of Silicon Valley



Project Timeline

July 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019

Principal Investigator

Project Summary

A growing consensus among economists and economic geographers suggests that America’s most constrained housing markets, and in particular the constrained housing markets on California’s coast, impose high costs not just on people in those markets but on the nation as a whole, by inhibiting migration and placing a drag on productivity. Strict zoning regulations prevent people from moving to areas where they would be most productive, imposing costs that are quiet and atomized but that collectively are large. Despite gaining increasing attention in the last ten years, parking requirements remain relatively overlooked in the literature on land use restrictions. Existing attempts to quantify land use restrictiveness do not measure the stringency of minimum parking requirements, even though parking requirements are often the binding constraint on dense development. The research team proposes examining the relationship between minimum parking requirements, urban land markets, and travel behavior, using Silicon Valley as a case study. The team will specifically examine how minimum parking requirements:
Shape the locations and characteristics of new development,
Distort the location of firms and weaken agglomeration economies, and
Make driving less expensive.
The research team will conclude the assessing the political possibility for parking reform in Silicon Valley.

Social Impacts of Transit Oriented Development on Disadvantaged Communities



Project Timeline

January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019

Principal Investigator

Project Summary

Planners need tools to better understand the social and community impacts of transit-oriented development (TOD) so they can proactively address barriers and challenges to equitable sustainable development for low-income and disadvantaged communities. Although TOD can help achieve regional greenhouse gas (GHG) emission goals and spur local revitalization, in some cases it results in gentrification and residential displacement of long-term residents. Fear of negative TOD impacts on housing affordability, neighborhood identify, and social cohesion have driven many community groups to forcefully oppose near-station developments and planners need new approaches for integrating community perspectives into the TOD planning process.

This study surveyed residents regarding their perceptions (negative and positive) of neighborhood change and associated development along an existing commuter rail corridor and planned route of the new OC Streetcar in the City of Santa Ana, a largely low-income, Latinx community in central Orange County, California. A total of 329 surveys were collected between August and October 2019. Findings from this study include that on average residents are satisfied with neighborhood access to transport and amenities, and that higher neighborhood satisfaction was associated with a more positive assessment of development and neighborhood change. Residents living near the streetcar route had more negative assessments of change, reflecting heightened concerns about housing costs, displacement, and parking.

Improving the Distribution of Densities in Southern California



Project Timeline

January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019

Principal Investigator


UC Irvine

Project Summary

Many of the biggest transportation challenges in Southern California arise from the lack of concentration of densities. However, little is known about how to address this critical problem and its adverse consequences. While recent years have witnessed increasing efforts to expand public transit services and encourage compact development in transit areas, there is a dearth of research providing detailed guidance for improving the distribution of densities in the region. Furthermore, existing studies have tended to focus on the City of Los Angeles, resulting in lost opportunities for understanding what challenges exist in the rest of the region, particularly in (suburban) places with great potential for density concentrations. This project will examine the complexity of urban densification dynamics with a focus on thirty selected cities in Southern California where public transit services will be widely available and thus land use intensification will be highly desired in the future. Specifically, the project will (i) conduct an exploratory analysis to identify ways in which urban densification takes place through zoning and actual land use changes that should be jointly addressed in coordination with transportation planning; (ii) develop a model to better understand how zoning has changed (in relation to the expansion of public transit services), to what extent zoning changes have led to shifts in actual land use patterns, and how changes in land use induce further zoning modifications in nearby areas; and (iii) identify hotspots that deserve attention for more strategic densification in the region.