California’s Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) is a congestion mitigation program managed in partnership with metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), California Highway Patrol, and Caltrans on California’s urban freeways. The program utilizes a fleet of roving tow and service trucks designed to reduce traffic congestion by efficiently getting disabled vehicles running again, or by quickly towing those vehicles off of the freeway to a designated safe location. Quickly removing motorists and their disabled vehicles from the freeway reduces the chances of further incidents caused by onlookers and impatient drivers. In addition, FSP helps save fuel and reduce air-polluting emissions by reducing stop-and-go traffic. California’s Road Repair and Accountability Act (SB 1) invests $5.4 billion annually over the next decade to help fix and repair California’s transportation system. It will address a backlog of repairs and upgrades while ensuring a cleaner and more sustainable travel network for the future. California’s Freeway Service Patrol received SB 1 funding to expand its service to motorists across California’s congested freeways. In its first year of implementation (fiscal year 2018-19), SB 1 funded FSP program expansion and provided over 118,000 dollars of assistance to California’s motorists. The SB 1 funded FSP expansions provided almost $47M dollars in benefits to motorists while costing the State under $9M. On average, the SB 1-funded FSP expansions provided 5 times as much benefit to California’s motorists as these expansions cost the State.