research report

Evaluating the Safety Effects of Adopting a Stop-as-Yield Law for Cyclists in California

Publication Date

August 1, 2024


Iman Mahdinia, Julia Griswold, Rafael Unda, Soheil Sohrabi, Offer Grembek

Areas of Expertise

Public Transit, Shared Mobility, & Active Transportation Safety, Public Health, & Mobility Justice


This report investigates how stop-as-yield laws can positively or negatively affect safety and provides insights and guidelines for California policymakers and safety practitioners if such a law passes in California. The research team collected cyclist data from five states that enacted stop-as-yield laws—Idaho, Arkansas, Oregon, Washington and Delaware—and data from some of their contiguous states without such legislation. Using an observational before-after study with comparison groups at the state level, the research examined changes in cyclist crash frequencies after the laws were implemented. Additionally, a random-effects negative binomial regression model with panel data was employed to estimate a law’s overall impact. The results did not indicate a significant change in cyclist crashes among the states with stop-as-yield laws.