The goal of this research is to assess the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and air quality (AQ) impacts of transitions to advanced low‐NOx Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) engines in medium-duty vehicle (MDV) and heavy-duty vehicle (HDV) applications in California with a particular emphasis on renewable natural gas (RNG) as a fueling pathway. To evaluate regional air quality impacts in 2035, pollutant emissions from all end-use sectors are projected from current levels and spatially and temporally resolved. Scenarios are constructed beginning with both a conservative (Base Case) and more optimistic (SIP) case regarding advanced vehicle technology and fuel integration to provide a spanning of potential impacts. To capture the impact of seasonal dynamics on pollutant formation and fate, two modeling periods are conducted including a winter and summer episode. To estimate the potential GHG impacts of transitions to advanced CNG engines in HDV and MDV, scenarios are evaluated under various assumptions regarding fuel pathways to meet CNG demand from a life cycle perspective. Scenarios are compared to the baseline cases assuming (1) all CNG is provided from conventional fossil natural gas and (2) under a range of possible resource availabilities associated with renewable natural gas and renewable synthetic natural gas (RSNG) from in-state resources. Key findings include: i) expanding the deployment of advanced CNG MDV and HDV can reduce summer ground-level ozone concentrations and ground-level PM2.5 in key regions of California; ii) the largest AQ benefits are associated with reducing emissions from HDV; iii) in-state renewable natural gas pathways can meet the CNG demand estimated for both baseline cases; iv) in-state resources are unable to entirely meet CNG demand for the high total CNG demand estimated for the majority of Base alternative cases, and v) advanced CNG HDV and MDV can moderately reduce GHG emissions if fossil natural gas is used (14 to 26%).