Diesel heavy-duty drayage trucks (HDDTs) serving the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach in Southern California are large contributors to regional air pollution, but cost remains an obstacle to replacing them with zero-emission HDDTs. To quantify the health and equity impacts of operating diesel HDDTs, we built a microscopic simulation model of a regional freeway network and quantified their emissions of PM2.5 (particulate matter with a diameter < 2.5 μm) and CO2 in 2012 and 2035, before estimating their contribution to selected health outcomes. We found that 483 premature deaths ($5.59 billion) and 15,468 asthma attacks could be attributed to HDDTs in 2012. Regulations and technological advances could shrink these impacts to 106 premature deaths ($1.31 billion) and 2,142 asthma attacks in 2035 (over 2/3 accruing to disadvantaged communities) despite population growth and a 145 % jump in drayage traffic, but they still justify replacing diesel HDDTs with zero-emission HDDTs by 2035.