presentationWhich electric vehicle drivers drive more hours on TNCs?Publication DateJanuary 1, 2021Associated Project Evaluating Barriers to Electrifying Vehicles Used for Ride-hailing from a Driver’s PerspectiveAreas of Expertise Public Transit, Shared Mobility, & Active Transportation Zero-Emission Vehicles & Low-Carbon Fuels Related Publications policy brief Electrifying Ridehailing: A Cross-Sector Research Agenda policy brief Electrifying Ridehailing: Segmenting Transportation Network Company Drivers Based on Their Electric Vehicle Charging Practices policy brief Electrifying Ridehailing: Drivers’ Charging Practices and Electric Vehicle Characteristics Predict the Intensity of Electric Vehicle Use policy brief Electrifying Ridehailing: Characteristics and Experiences of Transportation Network Company Drivers Who Adopted Electric Vehicles Ahead of the Curve published journal article Driving and Charging Electric Vehicles on Ride-hailing Services in the United States published journal article Characteristics and Experiences of Ride-Hailing Drivers with Electric Vehicles