policy brief

Connected and Automated Vehicle Impacts in Southern California: Travel Behavior, Demand, and Transportation System Perspectives


Connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies received extensive attention in the recent decade. CAVs are vehicles that can drive without a human driver (automated vehicle, or AV) and can communicate with other vehicles and infrastructures (connected vehicle, or CV). The technologies can benefit transportation systems in many aspects, including safety, economics, efficiency and convenience, and accessibility. While studies of CAV operations are accelerated by tons of data collected from on-road tests worldwide, the comprehensive impacts of CAVs on transportation systems are still unclear. These benefits might affect travel behavior fundamentally, which might induce more travel demand, while on the other hand, vehicle automation and connection would enhance roadway capacity. Ultimately, it’s essential to evaluate the CAV impacts on transportation systems in the context of significantly changing travel demand and supply. This study aims to answer the following questions: 1) how the deployment of CAVs impacts people’s travel behaviors in Southern California; 2) to what extent the changes in people’s travel behavior can affect the travel demand; 3) how well can the increased roadway capacity help alleviate the strain on the network with CAV deployment; and 4) will the CAV technologies contribute to the travel accessibility of underserved groups?