preprint journal article

Patterns in Bike Theft and Recovery

Publication Date

September 1, 2023


Dillon Fitch-Polse, David Nelson, Achituv Cohen, Trisalyn Nelson, Lizzy Schattle

Areas of Expertise

Public Transit, Shared Mobility, & Active Transportation


Our goal is to reduce the negative impacts of bicycle theft by better understanding patterns in bicycle theft and recovery. The research team analyzed data from 1823 responses to a North American survey on bicycle theft conditions, recovery circumstances, and demographics. Survey recruitment was done in partnership with BikeIndex, a non-profit bicycling registration service. Most bikes were stolen from inside a shed or garage (28%) or from outdoor bicycle racks (18%) and most thefts occur overnight (41%). 15% of stolen bicycles were recovered. Key factors in recovery include police involvement, bike registration, and reporting the theft through multiple channels.