conference paper

Millimeter Wave Data Networking for Autonomous Vehicle Systems

Areas of Expertise

Intelligent Transportation Systems, Emerging Technologies, & Big Data


Vehicles that travel on a multi-lane highway issue data packets that are to be disseminated over a targeted geographical span. A roadside infrastructure consists of Roadside Units (RSU) that are connected by point-to-point links. We develop RSU-aided and V2V-based millimeter wave (mmWave) packet dissemination algorithms. We develop FDMA/TDMA-based spatial reuse scheduling schemes for sharing communications links in the system. System parameters include inter-RSU and inter-vehicular distance ranges, transmit power levels, antenna beamwidth values, and spatial reuse factors. We study the delay throughput performance behavior of the system. We characterize the magnitude of attainable performance enhancement as the density of the RSU infrastructure is increased. Also, we show that under an RSU density that is higher than a demonstrated level, and under strict message delay requirements, critical messages will experience much lower delays under the RSU-aided scheme. When lower-priority non-critical data flows are involved, we note the two algorithms yield similar throughput capacity levels.