blogDesign Strategies in Shared Vehicles to Prevent Disease TransmissionPublication DateFebruary 6, 2023Associated Project Pooled and Shared Travel in the Wake of the Pandemic: An Inventory and User and Expert Assessments of Vehicle Design Strategies to Mitigate Risk of Disease TransmissionAreas of Expertise Public Transit, Shared Mobility, & Active Transportation Safety, Public Health, & Mobility Justice View blogRelated Publications published journal article Vehicle Design Strategies to Reduce the Risk of COVID-19 Transmission in Shared and Pooled Travel: Inventory, Typology, and Considerations for Research and Implementation research report Pooled and Shared Travel in the Wake of the Pandemic: An Inventory and User and Expert Assessments of Vehicle Design Strategies to Mitigate Risk of Disease Transmission white paper Practitioner Guide: An Inventory of Vehicle Design Strategies Aimed at Reducing COVID-19 Transmission in Public and Private Pooled and Shared Transportation