Meeting SB1 Transportation Systems Performance Goals



Project Timeline

Principal Investigator

Project Team


UC Berkeley

Project Summary

California’s SB 1 outlines multiple preliminary performance outcomes the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) must meet for additional state highway investments by the end of 2027. Specifically, SB 1 calls for “not less than 90 percent of the State’s transportation management system units to be in good condition”. This is a very broad statement that leaves a lot to be interpreted, defined and quantified prior to designing and executing a monitoring and implementation plan for meeting this SB 1 performance goal. The proposed research will develop a framework to define, design, implement and evaluate a performance-based methodology to achieve the 90% performance goal mentioned above. Key questions that will be addressed include:
• How is a “transportation management system unit” defined? What is included and what is not included when categorizing individual infrastructure components?
• Which of the State’s infrastructure components meet the technical definition of a “transportation management system unit”?
• How are individual infrastructure components grouped into transportation system “units”?
• What is the technical definition and what are the thresholds used to determine whether a transportation system unit meets the requirements of being “in good condition”?