Exploring the Linkages and Interplay between Transit Service and California’s Housing Laws


In Progress

Project Timeline

October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025

Principal Investigator

Project Team

Aaron Barrall, Amy Lee

Areas of Expertise

Public Transit, Shared Mobility, & Active Transportation



Project Summary

California is facing a severe housing crisis. To increase housing supply, the state has passed several laws linking upzoning and streamlined development to proximity to high-quality transit service.

This project will investigate the connection between transit service and state housing and zoning laws. The research team will first catalog and explain different definitions of qualifying transit service in state laws and identify which types of transit meet each definition. Next, the team will map areas where transit service has been added or reduced, analyzing how these changes impact zoning and streamlining eligibility. They will also assess the land uses in these areas and their potential development capacity based on base zoning and state density bonus laws. Finally, the project will examine reports of localities intentionally cutting transit services to avoid state housing or zoning regulations.