Evaluating Barriers to Electrifying Vehicles Used for Ride-hailing from a Driver’s Perspective



Project Timeline

October 1, 2020 - December 31, 2021

Principal Investigator

Areas of Expertise

Public Transit, Shared Mobility, & Active Transportation Zero-Emission Vehicles & Low-Carbon Fuels


UC Davis

Project Summary

This translational project involves collaboration with key stakeholders to articulate important policy questions about TNC electrification and answer as many of those questions as possible drawing on existing data from TNC drivers. The investigators for this project recently conducted the largest study to-date of TNC PEV drivers in North America. Preliminary analysis of this dataset provided descriptive analyses. Results were published in an ITS-Davis report and presented on multiple occasions to stakeholders at the California Air Resources Board and Uber. The findings were appreciated and many additional questions were posed for subsequent analyses. This project will focus on translating results into answers to key questions for these stakeholders to support TNC electrification. We will also be drawing on other data sources to enable comparisons and provide contextual information. For example, we will compare TNC PEV drivers to the general population of (non-TNC) PEV drivers as represented in other data at the Plug-in Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Research Center, and to all (non-PEV) TNC driver via publicly available data on the general population of TNC drivers that we find or data provided by TNC partners.