Developing a Multi-Dimensional Tool for Prioritizing Capital Street Projects in Los Angeles


In Progress

Project Timeline

October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024

Principal Investigator



Project Summary

As most Angelenos are painfully aware, the condition of streets in many parts of Los Angeles (LA) is poor. The reasons are diverse, sometimes dating back to the Depression era. Exacerbating these problems is the looming threat of wildfires, floods, landslides, and earthquakes that significantly threaten their ability to function after such events. During normal conditions, their poor state also contributes to a higher rate of accidents and traffic delays, disproportionately affecting disadvantaged communities.

This project will develop a multi-dimensional quantitative framework to evaluate streets in LA’s network to assist planners with capital works prioritization. The researchers’ approach views a street segment through a multi-dimensional lens, including its physical condition, importance in function, location, equity, and the overall risk from hazards such as landslides, earthquakes, and wildfires. The team intends to partner with the Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering to develop this decision support tool and apply it to the streets in the Hillside areas of LA, which comprises nearly 1,200 miles of streets. This tool will allow the City of LA to prioritize investments holistically using multi-dimensional metrics, including equity-based ones.