Project Summary
The passage of SB 1 will bring essential funding to local governments for preserving existing pavements in good condition, and restoring structural capacity to those in need of maintenance and rehabilitation. To achieve maximum value from this new infusion of funding, it is imperative that cities and counties have training and access to the most advanced, cost-effective and sustainable pavement practices, science, tools, and resources. Over the past three years, the University of California Pavement Research Center (UCPRC) has worked closely with the League of Cities, California State Association of Counties, and County Engineers Association of California to develop the City and County Pavement Improvement Center (CCPIC). Funding received in late 2018 from ITS-Davis and ITS-Berkeley was used to conduct a survey of local government pavement improvement programs in other states; develop and administer a survey to local governments on technology transfer, development and research topics of interest; develop a draft CCPIC governance and organizational structure; produce three 4-page technical documents on pavement best practices; and provide multiple presentations and briefings to local governments. With funding received this cycle, the UCPRC will continue to work with its key partners to finalize a government and organizational structure and work with the governing board to identify and deliver priority training and other deliverables to local governments.