All Is Not LOST: Tracking California’s Local Option Sales Tax Revenues for Transportation During the Pandemic



Project Timeline

May 15, 2020 - September 15, 2020

Principal Investigator

Martin Wachs

Areas of Expertise

Transportation Economics, Funding, & Finance



Project Summary

Changes in demand for travel and vehicles (including vehicle use and vehicle purchase) resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic will affect fuel tax revenues, annual vehicle registration and related fees, and road user charges from both statically- and dynamically-priced tolled transportation facilities.Using a range of economic recovery scenarios and corresponding estimates of transportation revenues from local sales taxes and transportation user fees for current and future fiscal years, this research will estimate changes in the funding that will be available for various local transit, highway, street and road capital and operating expenditures. This project will employ results from related research conducted by the Mineta Transportation Institute at San Jose State University and will not duplicate that work.