policy brief

Affordable Housing Residents in San Diego County Are Generally Satisfied With Transit Service, but There is Room for Improvement

Publication Date

January 1, 2025


Josh Newton, Jennifer Nations, Haven Lo

Areas of Expertise

Safety, Public Health, & Mobility Justice


The State of California has increasingly considered the housing and environmental crises together by encouraging affordable housing development in transit rich areas. As such, municipalities are encouraging the creation of affordable housing near transit lines and metropolitan planning organizations are being called on to preserve transit-accessible affordable housing at the regional level. While much effort has gone into advocating for affordable housing in transit rich areas, research has yet to evaluate the experience of low-income residents at such sites. In turn, we surveyed 192 residents at six affordable housing sites geographically spread throughout San Diego County to understand their transportation experiences. All the developments were 100 percent affordable, contained at least 50 units, and provided both multifamily and senior housing.