California Capitol Building in Sacramento

Briefing: Can California Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled? Should it?

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UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs

Event Overview

In a briefing organized by the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, scholars from the UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies will speak on a panel exploring strategies and best practices for reducing the total number of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) across California. Specifically, panelists will explore the undeniable costs associated with VMT but also the real benefits (with the largest benefits in places where driving is most common), and discuss how the broader goal of making VMT less necessary involves both reducing the amount of space given over to automobiles while also recognizing that, for the immediate future, some increases in driving will be socially desirable.


Catharine Baker

Catharine Baker



University of California Student and Policy Center

Adam Millard-Ball

Adam Millard-Ball



Department of Urban Planning, UCLA

View Profile

Michael Manville

Mike Manville



Department of Urban Planning, UCLA

View Profile

Chanell Fletcher, CARB

Chanell Fletcher

Deputy Executive Officer, Equity, Communities & Environmental Justice


California Air Resources Board

Catherine Blakespear

Catherine Blakespear

California State Senate
