Understanding Access to Child Care


In Progress

Project Timeline

July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022

Principal Investigator

Project Team

Madeline Wander, Zhiyuan Yao

Areas of Expertise

Safety, Public Health, & Mobility Justice



Project Summary

The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the necessity of child care as essential infrastructure. Without access to affordable child care, working outside of the home is difficult or, in many cases, impossible. The need for child care is particularly pressing for mothers who continue to bear disproportionate responsibility for their children. Child care is in short supply and access varies across neighborhoods by income, race, and ethnicity. The research team will study travel related to child care in California, a topic that has received relatively little attention. The researchers will examine whether geographic disparities in access to child care are associated with the distance that parents have to travel to child care centers. The study will draw on travel survey data from the California add-on to the 2017 National Household Travel Survey and the 2010-12 California Household Travel Survey. The team is negotiating an agreement with the California Department of Social Services to access data on the spatial location of licensed day care and family care providers in the state.