Project Summary
The Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) program is jointly managed by Caltrans, California Highway Patrol (CHP), and local agencies and has a goal of reducing congestion by using fleets of roving tow and service trucks to quickly clear disabled vehicles and address other minor accidents on California’s freeway. Approximately $25.48 million in State transportation funds are provided each year to eligible regional transportation agencies for the FSP program using a formula-based allocation. The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB 1) directs an additional $25 million per year to the FSP Program in 2017-18 and thereafter. This research project performed a near-term cost effectiveness evaluation of the SB1 funded FSP program expansion and found that in its first year of implementation (Fiscal Year 2018-19), the SB 1 funded FSP program expansion provided over 118,000 assists to California’s motorists. The SB 1 funded FSP expansions provided almost $47M dollars in benefits to motorists, while costing the State under $9M. On average, the SB 1 funded FSP expansions provided 5 times as much benefit to California’s motorists as these expansions cost the State.