Seismic Advisory Board: Providing Technical Experts for Caltrans and California High Speed Rail Authority



Project Timeline

Principal Investigator

Laura Melendy

Areas of Expertise

Infrastructure Delivery, Operations, & Resilience


UC Berkeley

Project Summary

Following the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, then Governor George Deukmejian convened an Independent Board of Inquiry to understand the causes of damage to bridges and freeway structures and determine how such damage could be prevented in future earthquakes. One finding of the Inquiry was that the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) would benefit from an outside review by private practitioners and researchers to ensure Caltrans is using the most current and best available information and thinking. The Seismic Advisory Board (SAB) was formed as an independent body whose role is to advise Caltrans on seismic policy and technical practices to enhance the seismic safety and functionality of California’s transportation structures. Caltrans has asked ITS Berkeley to support the SAB in three broad areas: engaging the experts to serve on the Board, managing Board operations, and preparing communications and publications. The California High Speed Rail Authority must establish a similar board, and plans to leverage the UC supported Caltrans board, using the same board for both agencies.