To provide California with recommendations for how to advance transportation equity, this study examines how state departments of transportation and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) are implementing equity-based planning. The research team conducted a content analysis on the long-range transportation plans (LRTPs) and active transportation plans of six state departments of transportation, and the long-range transportation plans and federal transportation improvement documents of six California metropolitan planning organizations to identify equity practices and performance measures in those plans. They also interviewed representatives from five state departments of transportation to identify methods the organizations are using to advance equity. Every organization acknowledged the importance of considering equity, but the nature and degree to which equity practices were implemented varied considerably. Outreach and engagement were the most common equity practices. Many departments of transportation had developed or were developing performance metrics for equity, but several lacked appropriate disaggregate data to identify effects on people of color or other marginalized population groups. Few organizations explicitly identified how equity was guiding decision-making in their plans. Innovative practices included establishing listening sessions to define transportation equity, centering public health in decision-making, developing creative ways to direct funding to the neediest communities, and institutionalizing equity through leadership positions or bottom-up decision-making within functional areas.