published journal article

Infrastructure-Aided Networking for Autonomous Vehicular Systems

Areas of Expertise

Intelligent Transportation Systems, Emerging Technologies, & Big Data


We study infrastructure-aided data communication networking for autonomous transportation systems. The infrastructure consists of Roadside Units (RSU) which are placed along the side of a highway segment and are connected by optical fiber. The infrastructure provides full communication coverage of the segment’s vehicles. We present a data networking protocol enabling packet flows to be disseminated to all vehicles within a specified span. We study the performance behavior of the synthesized data network as a function of the number of employed RSU nodes. For each case, we configure the structure of the medium access control scheduling scheme, and configure the employed Modulation Coding Schemes (MCS) and corresponding data rates, the transmit power levels, and the spatial-reuse factors. We aim to obtain high throughput rates under prescribed packet delay limits. In addition, we impose high packet successful reception rate requirements to ensure reliable dissemination of packet flows.